Sp column 4 81 cracker
Sp column 4 81 cracker

sp column 4 81 cracker

The section can be rectangular, round or irregular, with any reinforcement layout or pattern. SpColumn is developed for the design and investigation of reinforced concrete sections subject to combined axial and flexural loads.

sp column 4 81 cracker

Formerly pcaColumn, PCACOL, and IrrCOL, spColumn investigates sections that are impossible to find on design charts or to do by hand. First, with a systematic parametric study focusing on the constitutive law of quasi-brittle material, this investigation would facilitate material design or selection for crack control Second, by quantitatively determining the crack pattern development during the whole multiple cracking process based on a sound physical principle, i.e., the commonly adopted minimum energy criterion, the result can serve as a benchmark for checking the reliability of other methods for multiple cracking analysis.Upgraded to ACI 318-11, spColumn is widely used for design of shear walls, bridge piers as well as typical framing elements in buildings and structures. As a validation, the proposed method is used to predict the crack pattern of fiber reinforced concrete beam and good agreement with experiment is achieved. Physically, the ratio between the “crack-tip toughness” and the “bridging toughness” is important for the crack pattern evolution. After appropriate normalization based on dimensional analysis, the multiple cracking process is found to be governed by only three parameters and their effects are systematically studied. The fracture behavior of the quasi-brittle material is simulated by cohesive zone model (CZM) using the bilinear tension softening law. The minimum energy is found from the energy landscape of the cracked beam calculated by the Finite Element (FE) Method, and the crack pattern corresponding to the minimum energy is taken as the crack pattern most likely to occur. A minimum energy based method is proposed to predict the evolution of multiple cracking pattern in a pure bending beam made of quasi-brittle material.

Sp column 4 81 cracker